Application in Arabic on smartphones helps autistic children to communicate

Launched in recent application in Arabic on smartphones in the United Arab Emirates, to help children with autism or other disabilities similar tool allows them to communicate better with their parents and their teachers and their community, especially those who suffer from speech difficulties, hearing and Down syndrome similar to cerebral palsy and trauma symptoms after accidents.

He says developers of the application:It is the first of its kind in Arabic in the Middle East and the Arab world, with autistic disorder on how the brain deal with the information affects, and usually suffers autistic children from the weakness of social interaction and communication skills disorder, and hopes to apply the (door of Light), which was launched three months ago, to improve their communication with others through the mobile phone or tablet.

And helps Specialist address "Khaled Barakat" autistic children in Abu Dhabi to develop the communication skills they have using the new application, and Barakat said:Our ultimate goal is to improve communication when the patient is a child in every way different ways, because it uses the application of the door of the light on the innovative idea of allowing the child to choose the means communication favored by, especially with children with autism preference Bad VideoGet device.

Application images and uses the vehicle with the sounds to help children to talk and communicate, and users can application download voices, and any images and expressions feel that the child is in need of it, and the application of different dialects of Arabic Natqy supports both in the Gulf region or the Middle East or North Africa.

Among Alsaberat mothers with children afflicted Autism Arwa Faisal fiberoptic the mother of the child Mohammed Ghassan 6 years old who is diagnosed with the disorder before completing his second year, says Arwa The new application has value, and helps her son to learn and understand the pronunciation of new words.

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